Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's not you. It's me. We can still be friends. Oh forget lets just be bed buddies rrrrrrrr

Usually after I have had a big break from this blogging thing I start off by apologising for my slackness yadda yadda yadda but today i am not going to do that; A - cos I Have a very good reason (the birth of my beautiful baby girl) and B - if you haven't figured out by now I am slack at updates then you are as slow as that retard Gilbert Grape.

So yeah, I was actually logging on to say my final goodbyes and explain that now I am a Dad I dont have time for this cyberspace diary however once I got to typing I felt that old rush of excitement and have now decided I will keep this going for as long as I can. Sure the updates might not be as regular but they will still be there so rejoice my people, rejoice, your reason for living will remain.

With that I am wrapping this up, I dont have anything to say. Shit, as of two minutes ago I was writing a Eulogy.

Take care, look after your Mothers and know my daughter is the most gorgeous baby in the world, EVER!

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