Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Do you guys sell those jandals that make you look cool?

This Auckland weather is really starting to drive me nuts, one day it is an absolute stunner and I really believe that summer is here for good and then the next it is raining. Either which way I have mentally switched into summer mode in which I BBQ as many nights as I can. You could say it a huge switch for me to make but hell I am not going to be one of those dirty jandal wearing folk who as soon as the sun come out slap on their plastic feet g-strings and walk around like they are Magnum PI.

Jandals are not right and the sooner you people realise this the better!! They make your feet look ridiculous, can give you some messed up sunburn and as for practicality, they have absolutely none.

I was trying to think of a way to segway from jandals into Halloween, but I couldn't think of anything witty enough so i am just going to go for the lack of segway being my segway.

So yeah, Halloween was Friday night. It has never been a big deal here in New Zealand, mostly it is just a few of the local neighbourhood kids dressed up and trick or treating predominantly on their own street however there are always a couple of retarded 15/16 year old girls who put on some devil horns and a my chemical romance t-shirt and think trick or treating is cool and by doing it in their teenage years they are crazy. News flash, you are neither cool or crazy, you are in fact a freakin dipshit who has no doubt embarrassed their parents so much they wish you would go and join 'the black parade' with your gang of rebellious emo kids.

Speaking of emo kids, when the hell will this trend die? I mean every generation has had something that defines them, be it free love and excessive drug use, hypercolour t-shirts and white rappers or plaid tee shirts and coked out musicians. But come on, what generation wants to be defined by music written by some whinging little bitch boy who is crying over the fact his 14-year-old girlfriend who wont touch his nuts cos she thinks they are icky. Also have some foresight kids, in ten years time do you really want to look back at yourself and see pictures of you in your sisters jeans? Come on.

Moving on, today is the election in USA, good Lord I hope Barack Obama wins. Sure it will be history making with all the fanfare around him being the first black president but there is also another reason that the media seem to have overlooked, he will have the biggest penis out of all the presidents in history, now that, my brothers, is something to be proud of.

I have got a busy day so I am going to wrap this up before I end up spending a good chunk of my day writing general dribble instead of working on the reports in front of me. However before I go a quick update on baby; all is going super smooth, Baby is locked and loaded and we have been told it is merely a waiting game now.



Anonymous said...

Im on your bangwagon about the jandel thing... its ALL about the crocs!..peow!

martin* said...

Hahaha you are a bad, bad man

The Breenies said...

I'm so in team jandal! Sometimes it's too hot to wear anything else - and they come in so many pretty colours - you're just trying to make sure nobody sees yo hairy feet!