Monday, November 17, 2008

So each night I like to kick back in my undies and unwind with a little me time

A whole nother week has flown by and once again I have not updated this blogging thing. Who would have known Internet property management was this much effort. I was kind of hoping to post a few blogs, create a bit of Internet hype and have online groupies throwing themselves at me and sending through dirty pictures of themselves. however, the reality is I think the only person who ever reads this literary genius is Salty and he no doubt reads it lying in bed in his Y-fronts, not really the kind of groupie I was going for but hey beggars cant be choosers.

As you may have guessed by lack of updates things have been going along at a mighty pace in my world. Mostly I have just been working and bite my tongue as everyone at work runs around whinging about how stressed they are. I must admit that sometimes I do just want to grab their heads and shake them like welfare mother shaking her last few casino chits. For fuck sake, you are not the only stressed out one here, maybe if you didn't go for 20 minute cigarette breaks every hour or so you might get more done. Common sense people, don't bitch to me about your workload if half the day you are either out smoking or chatting to your friends on the phone.

Aside from work, home is good. Baby is coming along nicely and I am expecting to upgrade to Fatherhood anytime in the next week or so. Unfortunately this upgrade doesn't come with a free company car so we have had to go out and buy a new one that is more economical and will hold the numerous baby accessories we will be travelling with. Yes, gone are my days of cruising around listening to boom boom music is my little red convertible, now is the dawn of the sensible family station wagon. Still this is a good thing as I don't want to be like the dipshit who cut me off the other day; middle aged, blonde fluffy skullet (you know the ones, long at the back, short up the front and bald in the middle) and driving a Porsche in a feeble attempt to cling onto his youth and pull some young piece of ass in which he probably couldn't do anything with anyway cos his old tallywhacker is so broken from years of abuse at an all boys boarding school.

To finish on a more positive note than my previous post I thought I would list things that I am really loving right now. This way when I hit publish post I will be full of warm fluffy feelings instead of midget beating rage:

BBQ's - This weekend was a boomer. Not only was it as hot and sticky as a hookers g-string it was sunny as hell too and that meant BBQ time. There is nothing better than standing round a flaming metal grill, frying dead animals and drinking beer.

The Gaslight Anthem/The Lawrence Arms - Easily the 2 greatest bands ever. The only reason I ever stop listening to one of them is to listen to the other. This is good times music.

My wife - She has been pretty damn amazing throughout the whole pregnancy. There has hardly been any whinging or moaning and I am yet to have to do one midnight run to Burger King to satisfy her cravings.

Madden '06 on XBox - I can't stop playing this game. Sports games are the greatest cos every single time you play they are different and the brilliance of Madden is the pinnacle of sports gaming.

Screenprinting - Watch out cos I am about to rule the world with this.

Anyways, the list could, and probably should go on and on, but I have work to do



Anonymous said...

Heys it's your groupie salty. Im ready for another update. You're getting as slack as me with my updates.. ;) haha

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I love you salty, i hope you still love me... even when i do have temporary brain malfunction :-)