Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fanny Bombs

So yeah I just realised it had been a few days since I had in left some rantings on this page and as I am at home on the couch this afternoon, due to the flu, I thought it was best I get to it.  However I am assuming these small lulls in my writings may become more regular once Baby Street ventures out from the uterus.

As I cough, sniff and stretch out here on the couch watching 'Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo' (an absolute film tragedy) I am trying to figure out if there is one particular factor that may have caused me to be hit by the flu for a second time.  I mean I am aware that my partying lifestyle could cause my body to be a little bit more susceptible to infection but I don't think that is it?  Maybe it could be the fact I never finished the first round of antibiotics or maybe it is just bad luck.  Either way being sick is no picnic and one of the most annoying things has got to be being unable to stick with one train of thought for more than 30 seconds.

Aside from the flu yesterday was just another Monday complete with traffic, work, traffic and sleep.  Today on the other hand will see a slightly more energetic for Team Street with a midwife appointment and then our third antenatal class.

On the subject of antenatal class I have to admit it is not as bad as I initially dreaded.  The lady who leads the class is pretty relaxed and the rest of the couples seem to be pretty cool too.  I guess the one thing that I am still not sold on is the videos, granted we have only watched one, and it was apparently not the graphic one, but still I don't think I will be asking for copies to take home.  For example last week we watched a video of a woman giving birth, funny that, and between the cheesy music, slow motion screams and atmospheric mood lighting the camera suddenly cuts to a shot of hairy fanny and a bag of water flying out from her downtown regions and then exploding.  Now, I am well aware that this is just one of natures little wonders nonetheless I am still not psyched on having to watch some random lady's privates drop a water bomb up close and personal.

With that I am off to pop a few more pills and try to get my brain to function in a somewhat normal manner before tonight's class.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Teriyaki tofu, the warriors and a new tattoo

The weekend, my two favourite days of the week. After our hard partying Friday night Meredith and I rose on Saturday feeling surprising chipper and headed out to look at an open home in Glenfield. We had seen the house online and it looked in good condition and with nice open living, the one thing though that the ad forgot to mention was that the section was subdivided and there was very little room between the homes. We decided instead of sitting around we would give it a miss.

On the way home we stopped off at a car dealer that specialises in classic imports and I found a beautiful caddie so if anyone has a spare 20K I would be forever thankful.

Saturday afternoon saw a trip to Sacred tattoo where I finally got my 'North Shore' tattoo and then across to Renkon Japanese for dinner where I tried the much raved about teriyaki tofu and I have to say the meat free meal was bloody good.

By this stage of the day, and remember we had had a huge Friday night, we were both pretty shattered but that didn't stop us heading down to Ma and Pa Street's house to watch the Warriors get convincingly beaten in their NRL semi final.

So all of that brings us to Sunday. Sweet sunny Sunday, God's day, a day of relaxation. With daylight savings kicking in last night we didn't even get out of bed till just before 11am, which could have easily been later however we had to get up to help the Bell sisters move some stuff into their new house. This little task turned out to be a bit more exciting than I had anticipated as the girls had roped in plenty of hands to help and the saying 'too many cooks in the kitchen' definitely rung true. Too top it off the current tenants in the new house obviously had no problems smoking copious amounts of weed inside.

With our good deed for the day completed we headed home to kick back, catch up with family and enjoy some sun before the working week begins.

Before I finish up though I did want to state my latest observations. This time around they come from watching 'America's Funniest Home Videos'. Firstly, where the hell do they get their audience? do they lease them from some sort of insane asylum? is it just a few loads of short bus passengers? They all sit there in their best outfits smiling, laughing and clapping at the hosts lame jokes and in some cases, crap videos. Secondly, why is it whenever there is a video featuring a kid either playing sport, doing karate or just hanging out in the lounge, it always ends with the Dad getting some form of pelvic abuse? This abuse can be a kick, a punch, a baseball, anything? I wonder if I need to buy a cup when baby is born?

and that's all I got, time to go grab a beer and kick back in the sun. Till next time...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Like Beer and Pretzels, Pregnancy and Partying are the ultimate combo

Finally it is the weekend. Considering I only worked 3 out of 5 days this week I dont know why I am particularly happy about being off for the weekend but why question a good thing. So after my last post being a virtual brain spew of negativity I am going to try and keep this one on the poisitve side of the ledger.

After an extremely productive day at work, and I say that with no sarcasm, seriously I was pumped on how much I achieved, Meredith and I headed home to chill out. Now a lot of people think that expecting parents have to give up their social lives, well to prove that this is an entirely false staement I will outline our Friday night. Once we arrived home I cracked a beer and kicked back on the couch as we got our nightly Home and Away fix. From here we went to Albany Mall where we got an Oporto Chicken burger combo each for dinner before heading to The Warehouse we we both splashed on on some new pyjamas. New freakin' pyjamas, that's right we are living large!!! Next it was home to the couch for another beer whilst I flicked between the comic brilliance of Rove and New Zealand's Got Talent, we really don't, Mere played on the internet.

Now it is Saturday morning and we are both feeling a little tired after staying up well past 10pm, and by well I mean a good 15 minutes, but that hasn't stopped us getting to the couch for a nice herbal tea and some infomercials.

With that indisputable proof of pregnant couples still living large I am going to wrap this up as I think it is my turn in the shower.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

What the fuck is happening?

Everytime I turn on the radio or watch the 6 o'clock news I cannot escape the numerous reports covering pointless and cowardly violent crimes. Without sounding like the weird old guy who sits outside the supermarket all day, it really wasn't that long ago that New Zealand was a relatively safe place, an ideal place to raise a family and live your life. Nowadays our little slice of heaven is a breeding ground for wannabe thugs, drug addicts and various other human waste.

Now before you go an accuse me of being naive and only noticing this surge in violence because of media coverage let me assure you I have never been someone to take the media's word as gospel, if anything you could call me a media cynic. I appreciate that in some cases violent stories are being covered to increase ratings however I do not accept that the violent crime rate is steady and it is a case of the public just hearing about more of these incidents.

The fact of the matter is New Zealand is slowly, but surely being dragged down, and not only by our very own breed of scumbags but also by the beaurucrats that allow them to continue to reoffend time and time again.

I mean come on, I can gaurantee you that at least 90% of these assholes who commit these hennious crimes are not first time offenders. In most cases they will probably have a long criminal history all pointing to the fact that one day they will perpatrate a headline grabbing crime.

When I was going through school the worst you were going to get was maybe a few punches in the head at school or a kick in the head at a weekend party, but now it seems that it is no longer a gentlemans world out there, gone are the days of one on one, it is all about gang mentality and this type of sect thinking results in much more severe beatings and tragic results.

So where am I going with this all to familar rant, well to be honest I don't really know. I don't have an answer, well not one that wouldn't violate the violators human rights and get the UN up in arms. I don't have a magic wand that I can wave to stop the never ending cycle of family violence. What I do know is that I am about to be a Father and this increasing random violence scares the hell out of me.

Maybe with elections coming up the government will finally begin to listen? Maybe tougher sentencing will become the norm? Maybe schools will begin to include self defence in the curriculum? or maybe some renegade type will come along and cleanse the country? hey it could happen.

Anyway, enough of this depressing topic let me finish with some of lifes finer things that I have been enjoying...

1 - The new Gaslight Anthem album. This is one of the most solid releases I have heard in a long, long time.

2 - Leftover chilli nachos for lunch. the only thing better than chilli nachos for dinner is the leftovers the next day

3 - A surprise tattoo appointment. So I was checking through my work diary on Monday and found I have a booking for this Saturday, not a bad start to the week

4 - Family Guy. Seriously, how good is this show?

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cyberspace Property Development

I have always been someone who has got a lot to say, granted most of it may be completely off topic or incomprehensible but nonetheless I still have a lot to say.

As I have grown I have found that my views and opinions are not always inline with mainstream society and have learnt that sometimes it is better to bite my tongue. Problem with this is that I find my mind to be like a pressure cooker and even though I may suppress the urge to rant in particular circles I still need to release my thoughts in one form or another.

Enter, the internet, and more specifically blogspot. This is the perfect place for me to leave my opinions, thoughts, sex advice, pictures, reviews and anything else that may need to be expelled from my brain.

Another reason for deciding to open a blogspot account now is that it seems like a good as time as any to start to chronicle my life and my experiences especially with my wife being seven months pregnant.

So with a sore throat resulting in a day off work and my 2009 marketing budget almost complete I decided to join the mass of bloggers and finally create a place in cyberspace dedicated to my brain farts.