Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fanny Bombs

So yeah I just realised it had been a few days since I had in left some rantings on this page and as I am at home on the couch this afternoon, due to the flu, I thought it was best I get to it.  However I am assuming these small lulls in my writings may become more regular once Baby Street ventures out from the uterus.

As I cough, sniff and stretch out here on the couch watching 'Herbie Goes To Monte Carlo' (an absolute film tragedy) I am trying to figure out if there is one particular factor that may have caused me to be hit by the flu for a second time.  I mean I am aware that my partying lifestyle could cause my body to be a little bit more susceptible to infection but I don't think that is it?  Maybe it could be the fact I never finished the first round of antibiotics or maybe it is just bad luck.  Either way being sick is no picnic and one of the most annoying things has got to be being unable to stick with one train of thought for more than 30 seconds.

Aside from the flu yesterday was just another Monday complete with traffic, work, traffic and sleep.  Today on the other hand will see a slightly more energetic for Team Street with a midwife appointment and then our third antenatal class.

On the subject of antenatal class I have to admit it is not as bad as I initially dreaded.  The lady who leads the class is pretty relaxed and the rest of the couples seem to be pretty cool too.  I guess the one thing that I am still not sold on is the videos, granted we have only watched one, and it was apparently not the graphic one, but still I don't think I will be asking for copies to take home.  For example last week we watched a video of a woman giving birth, funny that, and between the cheesy music, slow motion screams and atmospheric mood lighting the camera suddenly cuts to a shot of hairy fanny and a bag of water flying out from her downtown regions and then exploding.  Now, I am well aware that this is just one of natures little wonders nonetheless I am still not psyched on having to watch some random lady's privates drop a water bomb up close and personal.

With that I am off to pop a few more pills and try to get my brain to function in a somewhat normal manner before tonight's class.


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