Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fizz, bang, whip it - a new year has begun

So as with every New Year it is a time of reflection and what better way than to compile my very own ‘List of ‘08’.


Best Album
This was a hard one as there were a number of albums I was pumped on being released in 2008 but the winner has to be The Gaslight Anthem – ’59 Sound. It has a kind of folky, rock, Americana and Springsteen vibe which seems to find a place in everyone’s heart.

Honourable mentions have to go to Less Than Jake Have Heart, Verse, Crime in Stereo, H20 and Four Year Strong.

Best Ass
Jessica Alba. I may be a bit late on the bandwagon here but hey better late than never.

Also I think it only fair that new girl on the block Katy Perry gets mentioned here. Sure her voice isn’t too good, if you think different check out her live performance on Rove, but this girl is cute as hell.

2008’s Continued Love Obsession
As with restraining orders, infatuations come and go but some stand the test of time. Lilly Allen and Antonia Prebble jointly take away this award and maybe one day the three of us can all celebrate together, over and over again.

Best Non-Alcoholic Drink
Coffee – my caffine addiction over 2008 has increased to the point I could be considered a java junkie. But hey, if you are going to go down that path coffee aint the worst thing to follow.

Best Alcoholic Drink
Now normally I would have gone beer without second thought and although it is still the number one anytime drink this year I am mixing it up with CC & Dry. That shit is awesome, plus you look far more sophisticated sipping on one of those than you do with a swappa in each hand down the Brownzy.

Best Band
Way too many to pick one but if my balls were in a vice and I had to it would be a tie between the Lawrence Arms and The Gaslight Anthem. Guts guess I just lost my balls to the vice.

Worst Band
There are even more contenders for this than the above. But amongst the shit being churned out by the Pussycat Dolls, MGMT and others there can only be one winner…Metro Station. Words cannot describe how fucked up this band is. Riding on family tie coat tails this band has somehow managed to get a shit load of undeserved coverage and at the same time irritate the hell out of me. I mean these guys make Fall Out Boy look tough. Aside from Santa no-one should be wearing red jeans, no one!!!

Best NZ Television personality
Paul Henry. Love him or hate him this dude delivers. Not only does he slip up and swear at least 5 times a morning on national TV but he doesn’t care who he offends with off centre humour. Also with Pippa Wetzel beside him it was not as if we would be changing the channel on her.

Worst NZ Television personality
Oliver Driver. This 8 foot goon has to be the most annoying son of a bitch to ever grace our screens. I admit I use to think he was OK but after I witnessed his giant tantrums on that show that threw celebs out of their comfort zone I couldn’t stand the guy. Then to make matters worse he somehow scores a role on TV3 breakfast in which he can act like a knob end all he likes. Thank God we have Pippa on the competing channel.

Best Clothing trend
Those Taliban looking scarves that are all the kids are wearing now-a-days. I personally haven’t got one as I don’t think I could pull the urban terrorist look off but gosh don’t those little Bin Laden’s in training look good as they terrorise the local mall

Worst Clothing Trend
I honestly thought it would die but wearing your little sister’s jeans is still cool. Firstly I want to know how some people get those things on and secondly no wonder all the young lads around now are so miserable those jeans would be cutting of the circulation to their happy glands. Granted I have a pair of jeans that may be considered tight however they were not like that when I got them, it is just my ass got larger and now they lie discarded at the bottom of my cupboard.

Best Internet sites
One word - Beersandwichesandparnethood

Best City
Boston – What else did you think I would say? Everyone knows my infatuation with the great city of Boston. Not only does it have a great atmosphere and culture but it also has this innate ability to churn out great bands and champion basketball & baseball teams (and an oh-so-close football team).

Worst City
There are a lot of places that wouldn’t be much fun to be living right now like the Gaza Strip, anywhere in Afghanistan or Mumbai. But I would have to say the winner of worst city 2008 has to go to Whangarei. I don’t mean to nit pick on our great land but Whangarei houses all things fucked about New Zealand – child abuse, alcoholism, unemployment, violence, laziness, the list goes on.

Sex Symbol of 08
M. Street – I dint know what it is about this guy but he radiates sex. Both men and woman want to be with him and from the stories I have heard those who get the opportunity are never left wanting. Mr. Street you are a king amongst men

Best Fast Food
Ahhh Wendy, you little ginger tart, you will always have a place in my heart.

So that about wraps it up for my 2008 list. Bring on 2009!!!

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